Compost Works for Climate Change

How it works:


Winton Mfg. Compost works collects organic waste materials from the community in the forms of yard trimmings, brush, wood scraps, food scraps and other materials that would otherwise take up space in landfills. Discarded organic waste that is not composted in controlled conditions emit methane and other greenhouse gases that have been shown to be more detrimental to our atmosphere than CO2. 

Our state-of-the-art composting system employs membrane covers and computer controlled, positive aeration. This system provides the best habitat for microbes to properly do their job and break down the materials that are fed into our composting process into rich, quality compost.

Finished and stabilized compost is comprised of about 25-30% carbon. Every ton of organic waste diverted from landfills and put into the system creates a product with around 250-300 lbs. of carbon that can be used to enrich soil and be potentially sequestered there. That is about the same ratio as biochar however compost also contains biology, humus, humic acids and essential nutrients that would be burnt off or volatilized in the pyrolytic process.